Semester projects

During the semester, besides the lab activities, students work on their projects. Each project is assigned to a pair of students, except when a student continues with the project in the following two semesters as his diploma thesis topic. 

General organizational notes

  • There is a private Gitlab group for each project. Project members should have access to it.
  • Students should create at least one Gitlab project (git repository) inside the group mentioned above. It should be the main git repository of the project.
  • The main repository of the project should contain file. The changelog should report on changes to the code but also any activity related to the project. There should be at least one report per week. Read about changelogs.
  • If students are working on a review of the state of art as a part of the project activities, the review can be in any format. It does not need to be saved in the repository, but then there needs to be provided URL address of this review in the changelog and maybe also in
  • Each team should prepare a presentation of their project – something to say, show, a few supporting slides. This will be presented during the last week of the course.

Diploma theses

Besides these topics, four students working on a diploma theses related to the analysis of space data:

  • Mapping of cloud and meteorological measurements into observations of Mini-EUSO detector
  • Development of autonomous operation of a full-sky airglow camera
  • Detection of meteors in measurements of Mini-EUSO experiment using machine learning methods
  • Processing of data from EUSO experiments using neural networks

Each semester topic has associated a webpage, which provides additional information, and it will be updated during the semester as students raise questions or some other issues arise. 

Each project is assigned a Mattermost “channel,” which will serve as a forum for discussions and consultations regarding the semester project.